
about programming and software engineering by a hungarian living in austria
Discount for my course: High Performance Coding with .NET Core and C#

ASP.NET Core SignalR 101 - .NET Concept of the Week - Episode 8

In this episode we take a look at ASP.NET Core SignalR. I show how you can create a real time chat application with a few lines of code with the help of SignalR.

How to organize a .NET Meetup – 9 Tips for meetup organizers

Yesterday we had our 4. .NET meetup in Linz. Since it seems to become a thing that people recognize as a "regular meetup in town" I thought it's time to write about it!

F# in 15 minutes - .NET Concept of the Week - Episode 7

In this episode I show you a few very cool features in F#. This is an intro video intended for .NET programmers who want to learn about functional programming and wonder what F# can offer.

ASP.NET Core Authentication with Facebook and Twitter - .NET Concept of the week - Episode 6

In this episode you will see how you can outsource authentication to Facebook and Twitter in ASP.NET Core.

BenchmarkDotNet - .NET Concept of the week - Episode 5

In this episode I talk about BenchmarkDotNet.

Covariance and Contravariance in C# - .NET Concept of the week - Episode 4

This time I explain what covariance and contravariance are. You will learn about covariance and contravariance with delegates, arrays, and generic interfaces.

C# 8 Nullable Reference Types - .NET Concept of the week - Episode 3

In this episode I show you the preview C# 8 compiler and we talk about a very interesting proposal for C# 8 called nullable reference types

WebSocket in .NET Standard with UWP and Xamarin - .NET Concept of the week - Episode 2

The second video form my new thing is out! In this short video I show you how you can use WebSocket in a .NET Standard library and then we will use this .NET Standard library in a UWP and in a Xamarin.iOS app.

CancellationToken and Task Cancellation - .NET Concept of the week - Episode 1

I decided to start something new! I will create a video every week, where I explain a concept related to .NET programming. The first video is out! It’s about CancellationToken and task cancellation.

C# 7 Performance - Playlist

I have a part in my 'High performance Coding with .NET and C#' Udemy course that is basically a stand-alone section. I uploaded it to YouTube and in this blogpost, you can watch the videos in order. It's about performance related features in C# 7.