
about programming and software engineering by a hungarian living in austria
Discount for my course: High Performance Coding with .NET Core and C#

Marshalling Jagged Arrays from CLR to Native

This week I was working on some stuff where I calculated some values in C# and I wanted to send it to a native C++ layer to use the values there. The data was originally stored in a Dictionary<int List<long>>. As soon as I realised that I want to work with this in C++ it was clear that the Dictinary and the List classes are not the best, so instead of the C# collections I used a C# jagged array and I hoped that the framework can marshal it automatically. Well I was naive…

Changing the JavaScript engine of MongoDB

his semester I was a part of a small project with Oracle labs. The goal was to see if the JavaScript engine of MongoDB could be replaced by a JVM based JavaScript engine and if so then building a prototype to show how this can be done. This post is a documentation/wrap up for that project.

Classes with long initialization process implemented with Tasks in C#

When I work on Windows 8 Apps I often have the situation where I have a class which has a longer initialization process (e.g. deserialising some state from the file system, loading data over the network, make some complicated calculation, etc). One solution would be to write a public 'initialize' method and call it first to initialize the class. The problem with this is that it is…