Finally, I managed to move my blog! This post is just a short technical summary about it.
The old blog was basically a standard Orchard installation running as an Azure App on the Azure free tier. Now this was already a very bad idea! The free tier is really great for development and testing, but already for my small blog it was too small. I often got HTTP500 and when a post became popular the free tier was not able to deal with the traffic.
And a CMS was also an overkill for the blog. I basically did not use anything from Orchard: Most of the time I create the posts in Word and store them in OneDrive, once a post was finished I pasted it into Orchard and that was it.
So I decided to create a web-site on my own.
Currently this is an ASP.NET Core application, which I created on my Mac. It is hosted on an Ubuntu Server behind Apache.